Gloria Bohan Travel


Through azure waters and under vast tropical skies, Omega’s CEO, Gloria Bohan, embarked on an unforgettable journey aboard the Windstar cruise ship to Bora Bora and Mo’orea. As the ship made its way, however, the Captain and crew received multiple warnings from the Polynesian government to take precautions both in the water and up in the mountains.

Though intended to be tranquil and smooth, nature had its own plans for their voyage – a cyclone was approaching! Upon learning about the impending danger, Master Captain Terry skillfully steered the ship northwest towards the Marquesas islands for safety. Amidst this unexpected detour, camaraderie flourished. The crew and locals warmly welcomed the President of French Polynesia, M. Brotherson, and Windstar President, Christopher Prelog. They dined on local delicacies and enjoyed traditional musical performances, nestled within the unmatched rugged beauty of this unspoiled corner of the world. Cultural connections emerged as heartfelt hospitality and plaques of friendship were exchanged.

The voyage was redefined by resilience, unity, and the spirit of adventure and became a lesson in how to make the most from an unexpected disturbance. The Windstar shined through the leadership of their Master Captain and the skillful hands of their fearless crew! Safety came first, yet comfort always remained a concern with any passenger needs beautifully fulfilled.

The experience has left Goria overwhelmed by the vibrant hospitality and collective joy of the locals and her fellow adventurers. When visitors arrive in Tahiti, they are typically asked if they are a Bora Boran fan or a Mo’orea person. After this exciting adventure, Gloria is definitely a Mo’orea person.

#Adventure #Friendship #UnexpectedJourneys

Bob shapiro

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